We are ecstatic to announce the release of granular license provisioning and management on the Lyncwork platform!
A cumulation of 3 months of R&D at Lyncwork, granular license provisioning is our latest feature set built to help you manage your SaaS platforms more effectively. For complex integrations such as Microsoft Office and associated applications you now have the ability to manage license types directly on the Lyncwork platform. Granular license management will allow you to leverage the already powerful Roles function on Lyncwork to assign different levels of licences to your employees. Furthermore you can also set default licences as a fallback for general assignment and effectively track the number of licences that have been consumed. With this data you can make informed decisions in regards to resource assignment and work the the peace of mind knowing you have all revenue leakage bases covered.
So whether you’re hiring for short term contractors or developing a multifaceted cross functional team, Lyncwork will be there every step of the way to help you manage, track and navigate any challenge licence management will throw at you.
Following up with granular provisioning is the new ability for administrators on Lyncwork to monitor the deprovision status of user applications. As we identified more complex use cases for HR admins we recognized the need for administrators to deprovision applications on a staggered basis. Whether it's to migrate user data or monitor a mailbox post off boarding, Lyncwork now offers a solution for administrators to manage all SaaS deprovisioning flows in one place. Using the new monitored deprovision flow will allow you to lock and reset all account permissions for an offboarded employee, and set the status of those accounts to automatically deprovision in 60 days. Simply set it - and forget it! You’ll receive a calendar notification for when the account's are deprovisioned so you’ll know just when licences will stop being consumed. Meanwhile new credentials will be automatically generated so you can still access those integrations and freely complete any post off boarding tasks you need to do, without having to worry about any pesky licence charges being paid past their expiry date.
Always looking to iterate, in the next patch Lyncwork will support user import through microsoft AD and include pre-existing user licences as an editable field in the import preflight. Look forward to pricing metrics and usage data for your licences on the application page as well as detailed descriptions for each license type.
Lyncwork Admins can expect continued QOL improvements to the monitored deprovision flow, including custom date ranges for deprovisioning as well as instant deprovisioning and exit of any monitored flow already triggered.